Welcome to the Yarn Parlor!

Yarn Parlor is a brick and mortar LYS opened in January of 2016. The mission of the store was to provide the local yarn crafting community with quality yarns and a nice welcoming place to meet each other and share their love of their perspective crafts.

Over the last few years, we have found that our local yarn crafting community has truly grown due to the store's proximity to a major highway (I-95).  In order to provide a similar service to the customer who have visited the store from all over the country this website was born.

Thank you for visiting our online store. Yarn Parlor is excited to provide you with an impeccable online shopping experience and remains available to assist at any time. If you have questions, comments or concerns about your order or the content found within this website, please feel free to contact us via telephone or email and one of our experienced team members will get back to you right away.  Again, thanks for visiting our store and we look forward to serving you in the future.  

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